The Advent of AI in the field of healthcare
After the covid wave, there is an outbreak of AI (Artificial Intelligence ) in the field of healthcare. It has rapidly grown in India also. World health day is celebrated on 1st July every year. Let us see how AI is helping the world in the field of healthcare. There are many start-ups in India in the field of healthcare that take the help of AI for performing the treatments easily and profoundly. Niramay: Niramay Health Analytics, situated in Bengaluru has developed Thermolytics based on AI. It uses AI and high-resolution sensing devices to detect the first stage of breast cancer. Software-based on this system is not only cheaper but also portable and automatic. Qure AI: Qure AI, situated in Mumbai is also a dominant system in the field of healthcare. This makes healthcare cheap and easy by using AI. The technique used in this system gives a detailed algorithm of the radiology image and scan reports within seconds. Sig tuple Technologies: Situated in Bengaluru, Sigtuple T...