5 Vital Yoga asanas for a healthy brain

  Yoga is an ancient practice for the development of our mind and detoxification of our body from negative thoughts. It was also practiced by the philosophers, saints, gurus(teachers), and their scholars to active their chakras. Yoga got its roots in the Indian continent and has been mentioned a lot many times in the Vedas. Yoga is derived from the Sanskrit term "Yuj" which means "to unite, to join or to combine ", which refers to the unity or the union of one's consciousness with the consciousness of the Universe or Man and Nature. It is brought up and spread by many saints who came to and traveled from India to spread this all over the world. India is an indigenous land with many customs and rituals and traditions. The world gets its command from their mind and our scholars and scriptures have been preaching the knowledge of controlling and administrating one's soul. 

Yoga day is celebrated on 21st June every year to mark the importance of yoga and its benefits and to practice it in our daily lives. People like Sadhguru, and Baba Ramdev preach this gospel for achieving success and peace of the inner soul. It removes all the negative vibes present in your sound by making your inner self hunt for peace and willpower. 

Here are a few yoga asanas which are meant to sharpen your brain and improve mental balance:

  1. Anjaneyasana: Known as the "high lunge " or the "crescent moon pose" this asana helps your blood vessels to increase the blood flow and calms your mind. This is a perfect yoga asana for your painful joints and for strengthening your joints. This asana should be performed by keeping the front knee at an angle of 90 degrees else it may be painful

  2. Natarajasana: Known as the "dancers pose" this asana is meant especially for those who are dealing with mental stress and disturbances in daily life. This asana is nothing less than a mood swinger. This asana also strengthens your legs and ankles. 

  3. Vajrasana: Known as the "Thunderbolt or the Diamond pose" is an effection asana for increasing focus, and consistency in your work. It also improves digestion if performed for 15-20 minutes after your meals. 

  4. Vrikshasana: Known as the "tree pose", it is performed to improve your body balance. It helps in building your focus, strengthening memory, ankles, calf, and vertebra column, and also stabilizing the functions of the nervous system. 

  5. Sarvangasana: Known as the "shoulder stand", it calms the brain by curing insomnia. This asana stretches the shoulder and neck which reduces the pain in these areas to an extremely low count. However, those suffering from high blood pressure or eye disorders like glaucoma must completely avoid it as it may deaden the situation. 

Practicing yoga keeps you away from several disorders that the modern age is suffering. The youth or the today's generation is lacking behind in the knowledge that their forefathers have left behind to follow and live a simple and peaceful life instead of a hectic lifestyle loaded with problems and distractions. 

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