Increasing population - A boon or bane for a country
India is a very vast and diversified country which is always lagged the other nations in categories like General Awareness, Social changes, development, facilities, hygienic environment, pollution, and poor education of the masses. The reason for this cause is nothing but the increasing population. Despite being a step ahead of Britain in the number of doctors, colleges, and the number of institutes but when the reports are checked per lakh, per thousand, or hundred, there is a variation observed. Many countries look forward to India as it has the highest youth population in the world. The statistics show that the population of the country will come to a still shortly. As many people are made aware of the pros and cons of increasing the population. Central Minister Prahlad Patel says that the ministry is working to bring out laws on this matter.
United Nations Population Fund claims that India has the period from 2005-06 to 2055-56 to make use of its population and bring out the best from its resources. Due to the variation in the population structure of the states of India, this statistic may slightly vary.
In many ways, the population of India can be used to work out several projects which will enhance the economy. Not only this, the youth population of India has become a factory of talents in all fields. Many nations look forward to India importing skilled laborers to their countries. Our country is providing teachers to CEOs, engineers to doctors all over the world. Along with this, our country has those youth the masses of whom are physically and mentally sound. Capable of doing all kinds of work and having sharp intellect the youth of India are in high demand in almost all the developed nations.
On the other hand, the conditions of the nations like Canada are becoming tense. On one side, due to better health and medical facilities, the age of people has increased, and on the other side, the birth rate is decreasing leading to a very slight increase in the population. The condition has become such that there are elder and fewer infants. In the coming time, due to these factors, Canada will have to face a destructive situation number of people employed will be reduced per 1000 persons which may bring a drawback for the fall in its economy.
However, while dictating the advantages and benefits of a healthy increased population, it should be noted that these will not benefit the nation itself. Labor market analysis and policies should be paid special heed. To reap the benefits of the population, the government will have to increase the funds for the maintenance of health and education centers. India's Labour Force Participation Rate should be maintained along with which there should be more good opportunities for the skilled employees. Investments in sill development and infrastructure will help the nation to make out the best from its masses and for its masses.
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